12–13th April, 2012 – “EuropeanaPhotography” Content Seminar (Leuven, Belgium)
The second seminar of the “EuropeanaPhotography” project dedicated to the selection of content took place in Leuven, Belgium, on the 12–13th April. The seminar was organized by the Catholic University of Leuven, the leader of the Themes, Collections and Content work package WP2. Representatives of the majority of project partners gathered to present their photography collections and objects of the 1839–1939 period that are to be digitised along with the themes of vintage photos.
Lithuanian museums’ photography collections, prevailing themes and some examples were presented by the project coordinator in Lithuania Giedre Asin Marco. During the seminar a discussion about the themes and photographic objects that would best reflect European archives and museums heritage in Europeana evolved. The project coordinator Alinari archives proposed five main thematic groups: Social, anthropological, family life, daily life, sport, portrait, cultural life; Labour and industrial changes; Cityscape, landscape; Art, architecture, archaeology; History, historical events, politics. Depending on its collections, each partner will expand on these themes.
Project partners also discussed the development of a common photography vocabulary and its use in creating metadata. WP4 leaders from the Belgian Royal Museum of Art and History provided information on metadata creation as well as mandatory Europeana and EuropeanaPhotography description fields. The seminar agenda also comprised questions on practical digitization and minimal requirements as well as the preparation of an object list to be finalized on September 2012. After discussions the seminar participants were guided to the Catholic University of Leuven library and digital lab.
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About seminar in www.digitalmeetsculture.net >
Contacts: Danutė Mukienė (e-mail: info[at]limis.lt)