International projects

AthenaPlus – Access to Cultural Heritage Networks for Europeana

AthenaPlus is a CIP best practice network started in March 2013 and ending in August 2015. The consortium is composed by 40 partners from 21 Member States countries. AthenaPlus will build on the successful experience developed by the previous ATHENA project – where LIDO and the ATHENA Ingestion Server and Mapping Tool (MINT), widely used across the Europeana’s ecosystem of projects including the finished Linked Heritage project were developed, in order to further advance and complete the effective infrastructure and tools developed to support museums and other cultural institutions in their work to making available digital content through Europeana.



EuropeanaPhotography (EUROPEAN Ancient PHOTOgraphic vintaGe repositoRies of digitAized Pictures of Historical qualitY) is a consortium and project putting together some of the most important European photographic archives, public libraries and photographic museums covering specifically the length of time from the beginning of photography (1839 with the first example of images from Fox Talbot and Daguerre) to the beginning of the Second World War (1939).

EuropeanaPhotography is EU project funded under CIP – Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007–2013 (Starting date: 1st February 2012 – Ending date: 31 January 2015), coordinated by ALINARI 24 ORE SPA. Daugiau...

Linked Heritage

It is a 30 month EU project, the main goals of which are to contribute large quantities of new content to Europeana, from both the public and private sectors; to demonstrate enhancement of quality of content, in terms of metadata richness, re-use potential and uniqueness; to demonstrate enable improved search, retrieval and use of Europeana content. Daugiau...


European digital library Europeana ( provides a common multilingual virtual access to Europe’s rich cultural and scientific resources: books, journals, photographs, films and audiovisual works, archival documents, museum exhibits, architectural and archaeological heritage, etc. Daugiau...


Project Digital Curator Vocational Education Europe (DigCurV) is funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci programme  to establish a curriculum framework for vocational training in digital curation. Daugiau...


ATHENA is an eContentPlus Best Practice Network targeting the museum sector that aims at providing better facilities to access museums digital heritage through Europeana portal ( Daugiau...

DC-NET („Digital Cultural Heritage Network“)

DC-NET – Digital Cultural Heritage NETwork is an ERA-NET (European Research Area Network) project, financed by the European Commission under FP7’s Capacities Programme Research Infrastructures. Daugiau...

Natural Europe

Natural Europe project suggests a coordinated solution at European level in order to overcome such barriers, by connecting the digital collections of a number of European NHMs with Europeana, and studying the educational methods and deploy the necessary software tools that will allow museum educators to design innovative online pathways through the digital collections of Natural History Museums. Daugiau...