Archive for the ‘Angliškai’ Category

Project Linked Heritage

Posted on: 2 gegužės, 2011 by Dalia No Comments

It is a 30 month EU project, the main goals of which are to contribute large quantities of new content to Europeana, from both the public and private sectors; to demonstrate enhancement of quality of content, in terms of metadata richness, re-use potential and uniqueness; to demonstrate enable improved search, retrieval and use of Europeana content.
More about „Linked Heritage” >

Natural Europe

Posted on: 20 kovo, 2011 by Dalia No Comments

Natural Europe project suggests a coordinated solution at European level in order to overcome such barriers, by connecting the digital collections of a number of European NHMs with Europeana, and studying the educational methods and deploy the necessary software tools that will allow museum educators to design innovative online pathways through the digital collections of Natural History Museums. (daugiau…)

„Comité des Sages” on bringing Europe’s cultural heritage online presents its report „The new Renaissance”

Posted on: 24 sausio, 2011 by Dalia No Comments

The report urges EU Member States to step up their efforts to put online the collections held in all their libraries, archives and museums. It stresses the benefits of making Europe’s culture and knowledge more easily accessible. It also points to the potential economic benefits of digitisation, including through public-private partnerships, for the development of innovative services in sectors like tourism, research and education. The report endorses the Digital Agenda’s objective of strengthening Europe’s digital library Europeana and suggests solutions for making works covered by copyright available online.  More >

Skills Training Programme for Museum Staff Working in Exhibit Digitisation Field

Posted on: 25 lapkričio, 2010 by Dalia No Comments

The aims of the project are: to attract more specialists from Lithuanian museums to join exhibits digitisation process; to make an opportunity for them to properly prepare for automated stocktaking and digitisation of exhibits (i.e. take pictures of exhibits, scan and automatically stock take); to provide internet users with an opportunity to obtain more information about the valuable objects of the Lithuanian cultural heritage that are preserved in the Lithuanian museums, and so make them interested in country’s cultural heritage and prompt to visit exhibitions; to encourage groups that develop cultural heritage information systems to cooperate in the field of classifiers, thesauri, dictionaries of persons names and keywords, and to create better circumstances for them to exchange information.
Date: 1 March, 2010 – 25 November, 2010.
Project Manager: Danutė Mukienė,  the head of Lithuanian Museums’ Centre for Information, Digitisation and LIMIS.

The project “Implementation of Lithuanian Integral Museum Information System LIMIS in Lithuanian Museums”

Posted on: 25 spalio, 2010 by Dalia No Comments

March 18, 2010 Lithuanian Art Museum signed an agreement concerning the project “Implementation of Lithuanian Integral Museum Information System LIMIS in Lithuanian Museums”, that is sponsored by EU Structural Funds.

A visiting seminar “The Digitisation of Museum Objects, and the Compilation of Classifications and Thesauruses in Lithuanian and Czech Museums”

Posted on: 20 rugsėjo, 2010 by Dalia No Comments

On September 20-25, 2010 the specialists from Lithuanian Museums’ Centre for Information, Digitisation and LIMIS (LM IDC LIMIS) which functions as a separate department in the Lithuanian Art Museum visited several museums in Czech Republic where they met with their colleagues specialising in digitisation and information technologies. (daugiau…)

Virtual Exhibitions of Lithuanian Museums

Posted on: 26 balandžio, 2010 by Dalia No Comments

Initiated by the Lithuanian Museums’ Centre for Information, Digitisation and LIMIS, there was introduced the Virtual Exhibition System that is dedicated to widely present valuable collections held in Lithuanian museums and what makes Lithuania different and interesting in a world context. More>

International visiting seminar “Experience of Cultural Heritage Digitisation in the Baltic States: Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania”

Posted on: 4 lapkričio, 2009 by Dalia No Comments

4th November 2009 a group of LM IDC LIMIS specialists attended seminars in Latvia and Estonia. First, they met with the head of “Culture information systems“ – a state agency of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia – as well as the project managers responsible for digitisation. The participants shared their experience gained in the field of exhibits digitisation and the development of integral systems. Next day Conservation Centre Kanut in Tallinn hosted a conference-seminar on digitisation. The representatives of LM IDC LIMIS and several Estonian memory institutions discussed various subject matters: collections management software MuIS, virtual exhibition system and other digitisation projects. LM IDC LIMIS workers delivered presentations about the centre and the development of the Lithuanian Integral Museum Information System (LIMIS).