Archive for the ‘Naujienos’ Category

Projektas „Lietuvos šimtmetis – Lietuvos muziejų eksponatuose“

Posted on: 9 sausio, 2017 by Dalia

Lietuvos dailės muziejaus (LDM) filialas Lietuvos muziejų informacijos, skaitmeninimo ir LIMIS centras (LM ISC LIMIS) 2017 m. įgyvendino projektą „Lietuvos šimtmetis – Lietuvos muziejų eksponatuose“. Projekto metu 23 muziejuose buvo fotografuojami ir skenuojami eksponatai, susiję su Lietuvos valstybės atkūrimu ir valstybingumo įtvirtinimu. Sukurtas skaitmeninis turinys bus pateikiamas į Lietuvos integralios muziejų informacinės sistemos (LIMIS) duomenų bazę, paskelbiamas portale, pateikiamas į Lietuvos nacionalinį kultūros paveldo portalą ir į pagrindinį Europos kultūros paveldo portalą (daugiau…)

Lithuanian Museums’ E-guide

Posted on: 6 vasario, 2015 by Dalia

This application will help you to:
– find the information (text, audio and video files) about Lithuanian museums you are interested in.
– create a route to visit your favorite museums.
– preview virtual exhibitions that contain digital information about the most valuable exhibits of the selected museum (descriptions, audio files in Lithuanian and English, video files in Lithuanian sign language for hearing-impaired persons). You will be able to view digital images and other related data of the selected exhibits.
– receive information (text, audio, video files) about the exhibit by scanning its QR code.

National AthenaPlus and Lithuanian Council for Culture Conference “The Reuse of Digital Cultural Heritage for the Development of Tourism in Lithuania and Increasing Museum Attendance”

Posted on: 3 gruodžio, 2014 by Donatas

On November 19th National AthenaPlus and Lithuanian Council for Culture Conference „The Reuse of Digital Cultural Heritage for the Development of Tourism in Lithuania and Increasing Museum Attendance” was held in Vytautas Kasiulis Art Museum in Vilnius. It was organized by the Lithuanian Art Museum’s (LAM) department, Lithuanian Museums’ Centre for Information, Digitisation and LIMIS (LM CID LIMIS). (daugiau…)

International Conference „The Reuse of Digital Cultural Content in Education, Tourism and Leisure”

Posted on: 29 liepos, 2014 by Donatas

On the 2nd of October 2014 the international conference The reuse of digital cultural content in education, tourism and leisurewill take place in Rome (Biblioteca nazionale centrale,Viale Castro Pretorio 105, Conference Hall). This event, organized by the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries (ICCU), is included in the official program of the Italian Presidency and is organized in collaboration with the European Commission, the Europeana Foundation, the European project AthenaPlus, the European network of good practices coordinated by ICCU, and the National Central Library of Rome. (daugiau…)

ICT 2013 – Create, Connect, Grow in Vilnius on 6-8 November

Posted on: 31 spalio, 2013 by Dalia

Under the Lithuanian EU presidency the biggest ICT event this year „ICT 2013 – Create, Connect, Grow” will be held on 6-8 November in Vilnius. ICT 2013 will present the best practice of ICT infrastructures, ICT skills, digital culture, the research funding for ICT-related projects under Horizon 2020 and much more issues.

ICT 2013 includes:

· conference,
· exhibition,
· networking sessions,
· investment forum,
· activities for students and young researchers.

Further information is available on the ICT 2013 event website .

Lithuanian Integral Museum Information System (LIMIS)

Posted on: 9 spalio, 2013 by Dalia No Comments

LIMIS is the Lithuanian Integral Museum Information System that would enable to create common digital content of national cultural heritage by digitising information about unique and valuable cultural heritage objects, art and literary works, and information about the most significant historical and social phenomena. It will also make it possible to accumulate and preserve such information, and to present it to the society in the electronic space.
From 2012 year end the portal is available for users. The main function of the portal is to share digital images of museum exhibits, their audio and video files, as well as files on meta-data.
More and more virtual exhibitions are available on portal: “Stones Museum exhibits”, “Ancient art”, “History of Education in Lithuania”, “Old Photographs from Anykščiai Museums” etc. More >

The fourth EuropeanaPhotography plenary meeting and international conference “Digitisation and photographic memory” held in Vilnius (9th–11th of September 2013)

Posted on: 13 rugsėjo, 2013 by Dalia

The photo from the fourth EuropeanaPhotography plenary meeting in Vilnius, taken with the old ICA photocamera (Drezden,~1920) by Vaidotas Aukštaitis

The photo from the fourth EuropeanaPhotography plenary meeting in Vilnius, taken with the old ICA photocamera (Dresden,~1920) by Vaidotas Aukštaitis

Vaidotas Aukštaitis is taking photo with the old ICA photocamera (Drezden,~1920). Photo by T. Kapočius.

Vaidotas Aukštaitis is taking photo with the old ICA photocamera (Dresden,~1920). Photo by T. Kapočius.

Antonella Fresa (Promoter, Italy). Photo by T. Kapočius.

Antonella Fresa (Promoter, Italy). Photo by T. Kapočius.

Frederik Truyen (KU Leuven, Belgium). Photo by A. Valužis.

Frederik Truyen (KU Leuven, Belgium). Photo by A. Valužis.

Danutė Mukienė (LAM, Lithuania). Photo by A. Valužis.

Danutė Mukienė (LAM, Lithuania). Photo by A. Valužis.

Dr. Margarita Matulytė (LAM, Lithuniai). Photo by A. Valužis.

Dr. Margarita Matulytė (LAM, Lithunia). Photo by A. Valužis.

Emanuela Sesti (Alinari, Italy). Photo by T. Kapočius.

Emanuela Sesti (Alinari, Italy). Photo by T. Kapočius.

Stanislovas Žvirgždas (Lithuania). Photo by A. Valužis.

Stanislovas Žvirgždas (Lithuania). Photo by A. Valužis.

International conference “Digitisation and photographic memory”. Photo by T. Kapočius.

International conference “Digitisation and photographic memory”. Photo by T. Kapočius.

The fourth EuropeanaPhotography plenary meeting in Vilnius. Photo by T. Kapočius.

The fourth EuropeanaPhotography plenary meeting in Vilnius. Photo by T. Kapočius.

The fourth EuropeanaPhotography plenary meeting in Vilnius. Viktorija Jonkutė and Frederik Truyen. Photo by T. Kapočius.

The fourth EuropeanaPhotography plenary meeting in Vilnius. Viktorija Jonkutė and Frederik Truyen. Photo by T. Kapočius.

The fourth EuropeanaPhotography plenary meeting in Vilnius. Photo by T. Kapočius.

The fourth EuropeanaPhotography plenary meeting in Vilnius. Photo by T. Kapočius.

Press conference. Viktorija Jonkutė ir Danutė Mukienė. Photo by  A. Valužis.

Press conference. Viktorija Jonkutė ir Danutė Mukienė. Photo by A. Valužis.

Press conference. Sofie Taes, Frederik Truyen. Photo by A. Valužis.

Press conference. Sofie Taes, Frederik Truyen. Photo by A. Valužis.

The exhibition “The elite of Lithuanian state politics, culture, science, society and its environment from the second half of 19th to the early 20th century”. Lukas Jonušis (violin) ir Liutauras Žilaitis (violoncello). Photo by A. Valužis.

The exhibition “The elite of Lithuanian state politics, culture, science, society and its environment from the second half of 19th to the early 20th century”. Lukas Jonušis (violin) ir Liutauras Žilaitis (violoncello). Photo by A. Valužis.

The exhibition “The elite of Lithuanian state politics, culture, science, society and its environment from the second half of 19th to the early 20th century”. Danutė Mukienė. Photo by A. Valužis.

The exhibition “The elite of Lithuanian state politics, culture, science, society and its environment from the second half of 19th to the early 20th century”. Danutė Mukienė. Photo by A. Valužis.

Frederikas Truyenas, Viktorija Jonkutė, Sofie Taes. Photo by A. Valužis.

Frederik Truyen, Viktorija Jonkutė, Sofie Taes. Photo by A. Valužis.

Visitors of the exhibition. Photo by A. Valužio.

Visitors of the exhibition. Photo by A. Valužis.

At the exhibition “The elite of Lithuanian state politics, culture, science, society and its environment from the second half of 19th to the early 20th century”. Designer of the exhibition. Photo by A. Valužis.

At the exhibition “The elite of Lithuanian state politics, culture, science, society and its environment from the second half of 19th to the early 20th century”. Loreta Uzdraitė, designer of the exhibition. Photo by A. Valužis.

At the exhibition “The elite of Lithuanian state politics, culture, science, society and its environment from the second half of 19th to the early 20th century”. Photo by A. Valužis.

At the exhibition “The elite of Lithuanian state politics, culture, science, society and its environment from the second half of 19th to the early 20th century”. Photo by A. Valužis.

Members of the fourth EuropeanaPhotography plenary meeting visiting Kernavė Archaeological Site. Photo A. Valužis.

Members of the fourth EuropeanaPhotography plenary meeting visiting Kernavė Archaeological Site. Photo A. Valužis.

Members of the fourth EuropeanaPhotography plenary meeting visiting Kernavė Archaeological Site. Photo A. Valužis.

Members of the fourth EuropeanaPhotography plenary meeting visiting Kernavė Archaeological Site. Photo A. Valužis.


11th of September 213 – International conference “Digitisation and photographic memory” >

Fred Truyen. EuropeanaPhotography Plenary Meeting Vilnius. [Posted on 13 09 2013] >

About project EuropeanaPhotography >

Stanislovas Žvirgždas (Lithuania) “The old Lithuanian photography publications and albums”

Posted on: 21 rugpjūčio, 2013 by Dalia
Stanislovas Žvirgždas

Stanislovas Žvirgždas

The subject of the report is the first Lithuanian photo albums of the 19th – early 20th century by A. Rohrbachas, A. Sveikovskis, V. Zacharcikas, J. Czechowicz, J. Bułhak and other authors (original photographs). In the end of 19th century with the invention of zincography various printed photo albums started appearing. The report will give an overview of “The Lithuanian album”, which was awarded a gold medal in Paris exhibition in 1900, as well as publications of the First World War lavishly illustrated with photographs made by Lithuanian photographers and German war correspondents, etc. Various photo albums and publications from interwar period, as well as the development of publications after the Second World War will also be briefly introduced. In the end of the report S. Žvirgždas will also briefly review the present day Lithuanian photo albums and publications, as well as publishing trend. The report will be illustrated with examples of photo albums and publications trends.

Information about the speaker:

Stanislovas Žvirgždas is mostly known as a landscape photographer, art photographer and photographic historian. In the period of 1960–1961 he was studying history at Vilnius University. In 1961–1965 he was imprisoned after participating in an event in which the banned Lithuanian flag was raised. In 1972 he graduated photography at the University of Popular Art (Moscow) and thereafter worked as a photographer. The same year he became a member of the Union of Lithuanian Art Photographers and worked there as a photographer artist till 1992. From 1992 to 1996 he was a president of the Union of Lithuanian Art Photographers, from 1996 to 2013 – secretary of the board. In 1999 he was elected as the chairman of the Board of the Press, Radio and Television Support Fund. From 2001 to 2005 S. Žvirgždas served as the representative of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) in Lithuania. From 2001 he is the chairman of the Commission of Photo Experts at the Lithuanian Republic Department of Culture, from 2002 – a member of the Commission of Experts of Lithuanian Culture and Sport Support Fund of the Republic of Lithuania. The art photographer has organized more than 100 solo exhibitions both locally and abroad, has been a jury member of many photo contests. S. Žvirgždas has received numerous awards for outstanding service in culture. In 2002 he was awarded the Cross of the Knight of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke, in 2004 – the Lithuanian National Culture and Art prize, in 2010 – the gold medal of Merits to the Culture in Vilnius and the prize of Balys Buračas for photography art.

International conference “Digitisation and photographic memory”