EuropeanaPhotography (EUROPEAN Ancient PHOTOgraphic vintaGe repositoRies of digitAized Pictures of Historical qualitY) is a consortium and project putting together some of the most important European photographic archives, public libraries and photographic museums covering specifically the length of time from the beginning of photography (1839 with the first example of images from Fox Talbot and Daguerre) to the beginning of the Second World War (1939).
EuropeanaPhotography is EU project funded under CIP – Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007–2013 (Starting date: 1st February 2012 – Ending date: 31 January 2015), coordinated by ALINARI 24 ORE SPA. More >
“EuropeanaPhotography” Content Seminar (12–13th April 2012) >
Workshop for Lithuanian museums involved in EuropeanaPhotography project (14th March 2012) >
Europeana Photography Kick-off meeting (Florence 9th–10th February 2012) >